Sunday, December 28, 2014

Blessed by the elderly and bikers...all in the same day.

Merry Christmas!! And as we approach the New Year, I pray that God is showing up in obvious ways in your daily life.
This Christmas season was a bit more crazy than we are used to.  Add three young children anxiously awaiting Christmas, and you are guaranteed more crazy :)  All in all, thanks to so many of God's angels here on Earth, we were able to provide an AMAZING Christmas for our kids.  Several times it was deemed 'the best Christmas EVER!'
Papa and I were continually amazed at how many people love and care about our kiddos.  The day after Christmas, we received a call for our CASA (court appointed special advocate).  He said he wanted to drop by because he had some things for our kids.  He shows up with four BEAUTIFUL hand made quilts.  These quilts were made by his mother and sister as part of Project Linus. ( He has to be near 70, so I'm guessing his mother is somewhere in her 90's, and she and the ladies at her nursing home make quilts that Project Linus distributes to children in hospitals, foster care, and any child in need of the comfort a blankie can bring.  I was truly touched that these women do this, and that our children received one.

Later that afternoon, Papa went to the mailbox to get the mail.  Of course in the stack were several Christmas cards, ads for the newest sales, and an envelope with no return address.  Assuming it was another Christmas card, we ripped into it.  However, what was inside took us by surprise.  It was a Christmas card, but inside was a very generous gift with a business card that said 'Sons of Santa'.  Written on the card were these words 'Take care of those kids.'  I immediately tried to google these Sons of Santa to get more information, however I didn't have much luck.  After reaching out to Facebook, my cousin informed me that the Sons of Santa were part of the biker organization BACA or bikers against child abuse. (
How these people came to learn about us or our kiddos is beyond me.  But it really got me thinking about how different these two groups were....a 90 year old woman in a nursing home quilting, and a biker gang that speaks out against child abuse.  Both of them took it upon themselves to bless us and our kids this Christmas.  I am truly humbled and amazed at God's provision and blessings.
I also spent a lot of time thinking about Mary.  Mary Did You Know has always been one of my favorite Christmas carols.  Now, some of you might think this is a stretch....but bear with me.  In my head it is profound and makes perfect sense ;)
I figure Mary and I have a lot in common.  Both of us spent time raising a child(ren) that were not ours from the start.  Mary held and rocked Jesus knowing that she would one day have to give Him up.  I hold and comfort kids that most likely will leave me someday for their 'real parents'.  I am sure Mary soaked up all the snuggles and time with young Jesus because she knew that one day His mission and purpose would take Him away from her. I  soak up every hug and snuggle and 'I love you' because I know that someday they may go back to a life that does not encourage such tenderness.
But in all my comparing, I came up with one major difference.  I love, comfort, and nurture these kids because it is what they are lacking (have lacked) and what THEY NEED.  I wonder how many times Mary held baby Jesus and realized how much SHE NEEDED Him.  How much the whole world had lacked what He had the power to give.  I wonder how many times she tucked Him in at night and pour out her worries and concerns for the future as He snored peacefully near by.
As a mother, it is a lot to take is a lot to think about.  I'm not sure that I could have done what Mary did.  However, when push comes to shove...she was willing to be used. She was willing to say 'the heck with what others say....I will follow His will for my life, and not my own'.  She was not afraid to be uncomfortable in a selfish world that preaches comfort at all cost.
Francis Chan is one of my favorite inspirational authors.  God used his book, The Forgotten God, to encourage me to take a pretty big leap of faith a few years ago.  And his words and quotes ring in my head quite often....

“But God doesn't call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust Him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn't come through.” 

As you stare 2015 in the face, are you willing to be uncomfortable?  Are you willing to take a step that DEPENDS on God coming through on His promises? Everyone's comfort level is different and thus what makes us uncomfortable will look different.  Whatever it is for you, I pray you have the strength and faith to be uncomfortable this new year.

“It is true that God may have called you to be exactly where you are. But, it is absolutely vital to grasp that he didn’t call you there so you could settle in and live your life in comfort and superficial peace.” 

Monday, December 1, 2014

Whoa much!! to much!!

:) I hate that it has been so long since my last blog post!! I take my computer when I think I am going to have time....but then I don't.  I have great intentions of updating after the kids are in bed.....but then I fall asleep. it is :)

A TON has happened since the last blog post.  First off, let me explain this posts title.

Soon after my last update, Papa and I were made aware that bio dad was attending our church in hopes of receiving help from the homeless ministry there.  We had been told (because it is what he told the courts) that he had returned back to his home state.  We were surprised and shocked to find out that he was living homeless here in our backyard!!
Immediately I start asking, 'Why God? Why are you making this so difficult?'  I immediately feel as though I am being tested.  How much can I handle?  Do we ask him to stop coming? Can we legally do that? And then I was reminded as to why we are fostering through the private agency we are.  The 'systems' goal is re-unification.  That has to be our goal as well.  And what is best for the kids?  Parents that know and love the Lord is what is best.  I remember meetings with our church staff as we asked them to be a partner church with this agency, and how the foster care ministry would be the perfect compliment to the homeless ministry.  As they nurture and mentor parents, we have a safe place for their children to be placed.

Ok God.  I get it.  This is actually an answer to my prayer, and the perfect picture of what 'the church' is supposed to be.  We honestly believe bio dad doesn't know the kids go there.  Papa has seen him a few times, but we have the most amazing church family that rallies around us and the kids to protect them from seeing bio dad and not being able to go with him.  My prayer every Sunday is that he does come.  That he is there.  And that he hears, and his life is touched.

We also had another court date.  Bio dad requested that he be given custody of the kids and the ability to take them back to their home state.  Bio mom remains incarcerated.  (I am unsure of her release date.) DFCS was pushing to have the kids transferred to another foster home(s) in that state until that state was able to clear dad for custody.  However, bio dad tested positive for drugs, so his request was denied.  Bio mom WAS NOT happy to put it lightly, and wants the kids to stay put until she can 'get out'.

I was very encouraged by that.  I felt a tug on my heart for her.  If re-unification happens..this woman is the kids only hope.  I feel very led to reach out to her.  Maybe mom to mom, God can create a relationship that He can move through.  This is not easy for me.  I am very ignorant of drugs and addictions.  I see her as lazy, selfish, and un-fit to be a mother to these kids.  However, I must see her how God sees her. He loves her.  He sees the amazing woman He created.  This has consumed my prayer life lately.  I struggle with what to say and how to say it.  I struggle with not sounding 'better' than she is.  I am no better than she is.  I have simply been washed by grace.  My Savior is better, and she desperately needs to know Him.

We are coming up on the end of our Thanksgiving holidays.  We took the kids to Crackle Barrel to celebrate.  We had a lot of fun and they ate a plate full!! We have court again in December. We will see then what will happen next. Your prayers are always appreciated.  There is power in the unity of prayer....and Papa and I feel it!!!